Monday, September 20, 2010

Never gets old! love it!



  1. Hey Kate!
    Thanks for checking out my blog ! I am glad you enjoy my posts :-D ... There is a way that you can get a lot more followers, which I have discovered.... In this little world of craft blogging, Blog Parties and Events are a great way to meet fellow bloggers! There are a few events going on right now, which you still have time to be a part of...There are a few on my blog sidebar, such as the Practical Magic Blog Party
    ( ) which I am co hosting with fellow blogger , and also The Halloween Blog Party that Miss Vanessa is throwing , ....

    Check any of these events out, because on the day of the events, it will drive a lot of traffic to your blog... Let me know if you would like to talk more about blogger events! Sorry for talking your ear off !

  2. Me too!!! My daughter told me to put it up here cause I have this song on replay all day!


I hope you enjoyed what you saw! Thank you for commenting, I love to read them :)